What’s In Your Treasure Chest?
Are you tired of forgetting your dreams?
Would you love a tool to help you remember?
This is a great bedtime visualization. It will help you to dream, remember your dreams and understand their meaning.
Imagine a key, a lock and a treasure chest in your mind.
Think of the treasure chest as the place where all your dreams are held.
See the lock as the thing that keeps them hidden from view.
Consider the key as a tool for unlocking your dreams.
Visualize that the key is in your hand with you preparing to insert the key into the keyhole of the lock.
Visualize unlocking the lock with a turn of the key and removing it. That’s it!
Continue practicing this simple key visualization routine. The exercise of visualizing “unlocking” the lock over and over again and removing it will help you become a pro at the art of visualization.
Now visualize an inscription on the treasure chest “My Dreams”. Put the key in the lock, unlock that chest of dreams.
See a light beam coming from the chest and see yourself stepping onto the lit pathway. Follow the beam of light down into the chest and see that it is a treasure chest filled with gold and precious gems. Each piece of gold or precious gem is another one of your dreams.
Pick one up, hold it, what dream does it contain?
What do you see, feel, hear, taste or smell?
What sensations are you feeling in your body?
Go with it, let your imagination run wild with it.
What dream are you holding in your hand?
Do this as you are drifting off to sleep and see what dreams come to you.
Sweet dreams my High Vibe Healing Tribe.
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