Just hearing “Woo Woo” sends many people running. It conjures up the occult, witchcraft or some other negative image. When you google “Woo Woo” the definition begins with “unconventional beliefs…especially those relating to spirituality…” and that is why many are averse to the use of the term.

Heaven forbid you mention spirituality in the workplace, yet science is finally catching up and proving what mainstream considered “out there” or as unconventional beliefs are actually at the core of our humanity and are, in fact, what has made some of the greatest leaders, great!

You can be GREAT, too. Tap into your Woo Woo or that inner voice, inner wisdom that leads and guides you for all that is for your highest good and the good of others. For some, that voice is alive and well and your main source of knowledge every day. For others, it is a voice that has been silenced. If every time you gave a loved one a suggestion and they just ignored it, you would eventually just stop. This is the same thing that happens with your inner Woo Woo or guidance. You ignore it or deny its very existence and then wonder why your life is such a mess.

Great leaders have always called upon their inner Woo Woo (Spirit, The Universe God), they never discussed it, never said it out loud, but in truth, they tap into that Woo Woo side of themselves for guidance and leverage it.

In the last few years, things have changes dramatically. Everyone is looking for answers and you are seeing meditation and mindfulness rooms and workshops popping up in businesses of all kinds.

It has become clear that what worked in the past is no longer working and you are being forced to dig deep and connect with that aspect of your self you have denied for so long or underutilized it. You and just about everyone else are feeling lost. You need to tap into that inner voice, inner wisdom and guidance that can lead you through uncharted territory.

Drastic change is upon us and with urgency comes more willingness to step into the unknown. You have lost the structured and typical aspects of life that gave you comfort, confidence, security and helped you manage change.

Many of you have never gone back to work and are missing the hallway hellos, the hugs, the water cooler conversations and team building exercises. You are missing CONNECTION. You just need to ask, and all the connection you could want will be right there with you.

All it requires is for you to call in your spirit team each morning and then to lean into your inner wisdom, your inner Woo Woo, and be vulnerable. To allow yourself to be spirit led. A good practice is to ask a question before you go to bed and expect and BE AWARE of the answer you receive. It could come in a song, on the cover of a magazine, in a conversation you overhear, in an ad that keeps coming up over and over. Watch for it. It will be there.

The more you ask for answers and receive them, the more your confidence in your inner Woo Woo will grow. You will learn to trust it and have that feeling of safety and companionship you crave.

Bottom line: it is not about whether you can or cannot handle the challenges you are currently facing, but rather is connecting you to your inner Woo Woo—the missing link.

Woo Woo is the missing link. It is your intuition, your God given guidance and I would suggest, the most critical leadership and human trait that you will need to lean into as you manage the days ahead.

Know that you are not in this alone. You have a whole team of spirit guides that only want the best for you, whether in your personal life or business life.

It is there for you. You just need to tap into it.



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