Are You Feeling Unlovable?
When you feel unlovable you draw people to you that reinforce or confirm that very belief.
That is the energy you put out so that is the energy you attract. This is why we see people that get in the exact relationship with the identical people, just in a different body, over and over again.
Your core beliefs such as “I am unlovable”, “I am undeserving”, “I am worthless”. These all send out a specific frequency and attract back that same frequency or vibration.
If you feel you are absolutely worth love, then you will attract love.
Confidence is very sexy, neediness is unsexy. If you hear yourself saying “how do I look in this”, “why aren’t you talking to me”, “why didn’t you call”, “where are you”, “who are you with”?
Stop that neediness and trying to make someone love you.
Stop trying to fix people, or trying to get them to live up to your expectations.
At the root of all of these core challenges is a lack of acceptance and a deep feeling of being disconnected. This disconnection can be from ourselves, from others, from our spiritual nature, or from any combination of these.The packaging doesn’t make us lovable. Believing you are lovable makes it so. Fall in love with yourself and everyone will follow your lead.
I know this sounds silly but just do it! Look in the mirror, look into your eyes and state, out loud “I LOVE YOU”, it works.
Every time you go in the bathroom and wash your hands, stop, look in the mirror and say “I LOVE YOU”. Carry that energy of loving yourself. Radiate out that energy.
Ready to clear those limiting beliefs and attract true love? Are you ready to love yourself?
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