Stress has reached epidemic levels but you do not have to be a victim of it.
Self care is a beautiful way to keep your vibration high which in turn keeps your emotions clear, balanced and aligned.
Your heart chakra is the center or transfer station for your energy, your heart chakra lays between your physical and your spiritual chakras.
Your heart is the first organ to manifest as you are being created in the womb. This makes sense since love is the highest healing frequency of all and love is generated by your heart chakra. This is where connection comes from in the outer world, so again, it makes sense that it is the chakra that connects the earthly or physical to the spiritual.
The heart chakra is associated with the color green, love, compassion, forgiveness and the air element, the circulatory system, lymph system, the lungs, emotions, thymus, shoulders, arms, hands and breasts.
Grief, loss, emotional pain, relationship trauma, these can all effect the pericardium which is there to protect the heart. When you experience these things it energetically builds protection or a wall around the pericardium. This in turn cuts off or blocks the giving or receiving of love. You see this in people all the time. You may say “they have no heart”, “they have no feelings”. In reality they are carrying so much grief or have been so hurt that they have built an energetic wall to cut themselves off from having to “feel”. They know they cannot handle one more ounce of pain. This may give you more compassion for these people.
How do you start to heal your heart? What self care can you do?
You can go to youtube and find frequencies specifically to target the heart chakra, you would be looking for 639 Hz Frequency, play this in the background as you go about your day, as you meditate or while you are sleeping or there are singing bowls made for the heart chakra frequency so you would be looking for an “F” bowl. Sound is a beautiful way to heal.
Surround yourself with the color green. Have lots of plants in your space, eat green foods such as spinach, broccoli, lettuce or drink green smoothies and green tea. Wear the color green. Get out in nature.
Use essential oils to bring clearing, balance and calm such as Rose (the highest frequency of any oil), Neroli, Yarrow, Frankincense, Chamomile or Ylang Ylang are a few you can try. Put one or some of them in a diffuser so you surround yourself with their fragrance and frequency throughout the day.

Bring heart chakra crystals into your space, purse, pocket and bedroom. Rose Quartz,
Emerald, Green Aventurine, Amazonite, Green Jade, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Chrysoprase or Green Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline are some of the best.
Move your body. Dance, exercise, yoga, qigong, tia chi all have positive effects on anxiety, stress, depression, and overall quality of life.
Give it over to God. Let him carry your burdens.
Experiment and discover what works for you.
If you know of other tips you have used to relieve stress and anxiety please share. I would love to hear them.
Peace be with you.
Please share with your friends and loved ones you feel this would benefit.