When you hear the word healing your mind immediately goes to physical healing but you have 4 areas to heal. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Unfortunately, spiritual healing is the one you probably think of the least. This is an area you can’t afford to ignore.
Your soul often needs the deepest healing of all. In these times that you are living in “wounds” and “pain” that life has inflicted on you are deep seated in your soul.
If you are:
- Feeling overwhelmed with emotions such as anger, frustration, sadness, jealousy, envy etc.
- Stressed and burnout
- Constantly over thinking and over analyzing
- Lacking a zest for life
- Losing your sense of purpose
- Facing panic attacks or being over anxious
- Low on energy
These are just some of the signs that you need to do some spiritual healing.
Some things you can do on your own to begin to heal your soul would be:
- Deep Breathing – Take a deep breath to the count of 5, hold to the count of 5 feeling peace, love and calm in your body, then out to the count of 5.
- Put your hands in prayer position and rest then on your forehead to the count of 5 then to your heart to the count of 5. This will help to activate your 3rd eye and heart chakras.
- Rub your palms together and get some heat then place one on your upper chest and one on your lower belly. This will connect your upper and lower energy.
- Ground, zip up and get in your coconut every morning as soon as you wake up.
You should feel calmer and more peaceful. Namaste.
Please share with anyone that you think might benefit from this information!