A Super Full Blood Moon Along with a Full Lunar Eclipse are Stirring Up Some Exciting Energies On the evening of January 20th we will have the Full...
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You are an energetic being comprised of multiple layers and dimensions of vibration and energy! One of your energy systems are the seven major...
Are You Feeling Unlovable? When you feel unlovable you draw people to you that reinforce or confirm that very belief. That is the energy you put out...
We all know that volatile person, is it you?
Who’s In The Driver's Seat? Do you constantly find yourself overreacting to the minor hassles in life? What is your response when someone cuts in...
Christmas Eve Birthday
I am so blessed to have been born on the Eve of Christ’s birth. For my birthday I love blessing all of you. This touched me to my soul and I am...
Solstice Full Moon
Winter Solstice and Full Moon Energies Are Overlapping The Solstice will always bring a shift in energy, however, we are also in the energies of the...
Homemade Lotion Bars
Tis the Season For Hydration With the winter weather coming on it is so important to do all we can to hydrate our skin. Between the chilly, windy...
Embody Your Own Magic
Embody your own magic, step into your gifts and activate your desires to make things happen. Everything is energy, which means everything has a...
Your Kids are Addicts
WAKE UP! Your kids are addicts. This is so important and something I always want to talk to clients about but just don't have the time to in a...
The Holidays are a Time for Self Care
Today is the day to begin a regimen of self care. Love 'em or hate 'em, the holidays have arrived. And, no matter how you feel about them, with the...
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Archangel Raphael Prayer
You are surrounded by angels but how often do you reach out to them and ask them for assistance? It’s a good habit for you to get into, reach out to the angels and request the help you need. You have free will so they cannot help you if you don’t ask. ...
If You Haven’t Noticed You Have Been Living Under A Rock
One thing that stood out loud and clear in my travels was just how much people are living from Ego and Not from Spirit. How do you tell the difference: EGO Me, Me, Me Separation Blame Hostility Resentment Pride Rude Arrogant SPIRIT We Unity Understanding...
Change Is In The Air
September is often associated with change and transition. Embrace this energy by being open to new opportunities, whether it’s a career move, a personal project, or a lifestyle change. Embracing change can lead to growth and transformation. You are now able to...
Come Along!
Finally it is cooling off and I am heading out! I hope you have joined me on YouTube or TikTok and have enjoyed the little adventure to Montana and back. It was a shame it was pouring rain in Bozeman so I didn’t get a video there, it’s a beautiful town and...
I’m So Ready!
I for one am so ready and so thankful for the crisp breeze of September and it’s reminder of the never-ending cycle of life. As the summer months fade away, taking with them the whirlwind of chaos, heat, change and transformation, this month is an invitation to take a...
Rare Blue Moon
August has been an eventful month, hasn't it? With Full Super Moons as bookends this month what else can you expect, it began with a spectacularly rare Full Super Moon and now that it's coming to an end, we are being gifted with an even more rare BLUE Super Moon....