You may feel a financial pinch right now with the price of gas, food and housing and just about everything else rising exponentially. An affirmation...
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Triple Whammy
September starts off with a Triple Whammy. Not only do the Full Moon Energies begin coming in on September 3rd and reach their peak on the 9th then...
Anger, Chaos, Exhausted. Why?
On August 27th at 1:17 Pacific Time, the energies of the last New Moon of summer will bring you into the mindset of keeping things simple. These...
Are you feeling the heat?
Inflammation is running rampant. You may be feeling the heat from the temperature outside but it is just as likely you are feeling the heat of...
The Aquarius Super Moon Is Upon Us!
August's Full Sturgeon Super Moon reaches its peak on Thursday, August 11, 2022. This Full Super Moon is in the sign of Aquarius and is the 4th in a...
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Change Is In The Air
September is often associated with change and transition. Embrace this energy by being open to new opportunities, whether it’s a career move, a personal project, or a lifestyle change. Embracing change can lead to growth and transformation. You are now able to...
Come Along!
Finally it is cooling off and I am heading out! I hope you have joined me on YouTube or TikTok and have enjoyed the little adventure to Montana and back. It was a shame it was pouring rain in Bozeman so I didn’t get a video there, it’s a beautiful town and...
I’m So Ready!
I for one am so ready and so thankful for the crisp breeze of September and it’s reminder of the never-ending cycle of life. As the summer months fade away, taking with them the whirlwind of chaos, heat, change and transformation, this month is an invitation to take a...
Rare Blue Moon
August has been an eventful month, hasn't it? With Full Super Moons as bookends this month what else can you expect, it began with a spectacularly rare Full Super Moon and now that it's coming to an end, we are being gifted with an even more rare BLUE Super Moon....
High Vibe Van Life Tribe
You may have seen this on social media on Sunday but for those that haven’t the winner of the drawing for submitting a vote for the name of the new YouTube and TikTok channel was Barbara Nelen. Congratulations Barbara! I will get your gift shipped out...
I Wanted To Let You Know What I Am Up To
I used to be quite the traveler but not since my son passed, I used to hold retreats in Colorado to be no more than a 3 hour plane flight away from most, and so I could visit him, that has really calmed down but the bug has returned. My favorite pastime is YouTube...