Photosensitive Oils
This is important info to get out this time of year.
We are getting into the sunny days of spring and summer so I wanted to give a heads up on oils that are photosensitive. These are all great oils, you just don’t want to wear them in the sun. Citrus oils should be avoided topically before direct sunlight or exposure to artificial UV rays and many of the blends do have citrus in them. These are ones to watch for.
DoTerra Bends: AromaTouch, Breathe, Cheer, Citrus Bliss, Elevation, Forgive, InTune, Motivate, OnGuard, Purify, Slim & Sassy, Sunny Citrus and Zendocrine.
DoTerra Singles: Bergamot, Cumin, Grapefruit, Kumquat, Lemon, Lime, Tangerine and Wild Orange.
What this means is that your citrus oils and the blends that include them should be avoided topically right before heading to the beach or jumping in the tanning bed. (Also, please don’t use tanning beds). Go ahead and continue to diffuse them and use them internally (as directed) or on any area of your body that won’t be exposed to the sun.
Get out and have a blast in a responsible way.
Please share with friends and family that would benefit from this information.