Past Patterns
Take the time to honestly evaluate your past patterns. If you’re not happy with the relationships in your life, only when you see your past patterns can you create healthy new patterns for a lasting and meaningful connection with others.
Take some quiet time with your journal and ask yourself:
What are my triggers?
What are my reactions?
Are they reasonable?
Are they based on fact or imagination?
You see people that fly off the handle at the most minuscule things, is that you? Are the things you fly off the handle about actually, literally happening or are they just happening in your mind? Are they just what you think is happening because of your past baggage?
This is kind of an odd post but I am seeing so many relationships falling apart because of perceived injustices where there is no actual proof or witnessing of the accusation.
If you are finding yourself constantly spying, monitoring, second guessing and worrying in a relationship take time to really ask yourself these questions and be honest with yourself, is it past patterns that are causing you such misery?
Do the exercise and get to the bottom of it so you can find peace in your life with or without the relationship.
Life is about being happy. No one deserves to live in misery, especially one of your own making.
Once you answer these questions in a reasonable, honest way you should know if the relationship is one to save or one to let go of.