The Manifestation Grid

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The Manifestation Grid

The Power of a crystal Grid

Any one crystal carries its own frequency, a specific vibration that it emits. These frequencies or vibrations are able to assist us in many ways such as healing, manifesting and love to name a few. When you use specific crystals in certain combinations and add in sacred geometry you create powerful crystal grids which are able to amplify the energy of the crystals in a unified manner to create the energy needed to focus on your need or purpose. The grid will enhance your intention and manifest your intended desire.

It is imperative that each crystal be of the purest and highest frequency for your purpose in order to attain the results you are looking for.

Spirit led me to offer this grid with specific crystals and a specific design on the grid cloth and to infuse each item with Reiki (Divine Energy) for the purpose of manifesting and abundance in every area of your life.

For the Manifestation Grid you will receive one pre printed grid cloth, a center or “Focus” stone, 4 Way stones, 4 Destination stones and 1 Natural Clear Quartz Cut Crystal DT Activation Wand. These will come in a beautiful embroidered cloth pouch with drawstrings.

The Flower Of Life which is hand stenciled onto the 20 x 20 grid cloth is a beautiful and unique tool for empowerment and manifestation. The symbol has been said to hold the blueprint for the entire Universe. It is connected to the energy behind our physical world.

The Flower of Life is a physical representation of the connections that we feel to all living things. Of the sacred and the divine in each of us. We are not separate from the divine, it resides in every cell of our bodies.

The Flower Of Life Crystal grid along with these pure crystals is a potent way to “place your order to the Universe”, to fully and clearly express your wishes and desires about the future outcomes you desire.

The Flower of Life is a universal symbol. Because it connects to the energy behind all things and the Universe, it can be used for all purposes. The Flower of Life works well for both manifesting and healing work.

You will also receive a 2-hour video class dedicated to teaching you all about the use and set up of the crystal grid. You can download the video to watch over and over whenever you need it.

This video class includes:

  • The Basics of Crystals
  • The Power of Crystal Grids
  • The Description and Metaphysical use of each Crystal for the Grid
  • How To Clear Yourself, Crystals and Your Space
  • How To Ground and Center Yourself
  • How To Create a Purpose and Intention for your Grid
  • How to Charge Your Crystals
  • How to Layout Your Grid
  • How to Activate Your Grid
  • The Ceremony of Activating Your Grid

The stones for this grid were sourced for two months before I found just the right mines to order them from. These are very powerful crystals and when used in a grid they have the ability to assist you in manifesting what you desire.


These Manifesting Grids are being offered to my tribe for $297



This includes FREE shipping to the US and Canada


(This includes the Flower of Life hand stenciled cloth grid, the crystals and the 2 hour class.)



I have a very limited supply so get your order in right away so you don’t miss out.


Because certain countries will not allow crystals to be shipped there we are limiting the sale of the grid to the US and Canada ONLY.



I am ready to turn 2020 into my year of manifesting all I desire.

About Mary Beth Vanderlinden:

Mary Beth Vanderlinden is an Ordained Minister and internationally known as a powerful Intuitive Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Women’s Retreat Facilitator and Intuitive Energy Artist/Teacher. She personally believes that all healing is a gift from God, and is available to each and every one of us. Mary Beth has been performing “the laying on of hands” for over 30 years.

By combining energy medicine with spiritual teaching, coaching and creativity Mary Beth is able to honor each woman’s beliefs while empowering their Spirit. She offers her clients and students a holistic view of healing and cares deeply about leading women on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment and endless possibilities. Her down to earth style, quick wit, and willingness to be transparent allows her clients to feel immediately at ease and connected with her. She conducts both in-person and distance healing sessions, workshops, intuitive art and Women’s “Where Energy Meets Passion” healing retreats on her beautiful creekside property in Gig Harbor, Washington and other locations throughout the country and the world.

Mary Beth is the mother of two, and grandmother of five beautiful grandchildren that bring her great joy. She loves to travel, spend time in the beauty of the northwest, learn, and teach bold, adventurous women how to live a connected, healthy, fuller lives free of fear and blocks that hold them back but full of passion and creativity that leaves them open to possibilities. From the bottom of her heart, Mary Beth thanks you for taking the time to read just a snippet of her personal story. If you have any questions, thoughts or comments, feel free to connect with her as she truly looks forward to meeting you and learning more about you. She wishes you each love, joy, blessings, and abundance.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid”][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]