Anxiety Release Process


More and more people are struggling with anxiety today. This can show up in many different ways from worry, agitation, insomnia or restlessness, foggy thinking or lack of focus, irritability, exhaustion, to panic attacks. I wanted to give you a simple, yet effective, process you can do over and over any time you feel you need it. This will help in releasing some of the energy that is causing anxiety or you can schedule some sessions if you feel it is really affecting your life or something you would like to be done with once and for all.


  • 1 or 2 pieces of paper
  • A pen or pencil
  • A fire pit or fireproof container like a coffee can
  • Matches or lighter
  • Water


On one side of the paper, write down everything you’re worried about. Just let it flow, write down everything that comes up that is making you anxious. Just let that anxiety flow out onto the paper. If you feel yourself slowing down, ask out loud “what am I anxious about” or “what is causing me anxiety”? Again, write down anything that comes up for you. Do this until you feel you have gotten everything onto the paper.

Turn the paper over or grab a new piece and write down the outcome you desire for each item. If one item was I am anxious, worried or stress over the presentation I have to give, I am afraid I will forget what I need to say.

Then on the other side you can write. I am thankful my presentation went so well and that I covered all the material easily and effortlessly.

Take your paper outside to the fire pit or can (or I prefer to actually do the writing out in nature) to be burned. Please exercise caution when using fire. Have a fire extinguisher or water available.

It is good to say some type of release prayer, such as, I release my cares and concerns to the universe, to spirit or to (fill in the blank).

Place the sheet of paper in the fire pit or container.

If you used a can, once the paper is completely burned, pour enough water over the ashes to cover them. Stir until you are sure the fire is out. Pour the mixture onto the earth and  relinquish your worries to nature!

Take 3 deep breaths and feel the anxiety leave your body and flow into the earth as you pour the mixture out.

That’s it. It’s easy but very effective.

Enjoy your day.


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