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Are you ready to awaken to your true potential?
Are you sick and tired of feeling physical pain and suffering from mental anguish?
If so, you have come to the right place.
As a certified medical intuitive and energy healer in many modalities, I will see, feel or hear your energy and go into the energetic layers to see the blockages and imbalances in your body that are causing discomfort or disease that stop you from moving forward in your life with health, joy, passion and abundance.
Spirit is always well aware of what is for your highest good in any given session so all sessions are spirit led.
This will take you to a place of deep, profound healing.
Join me.
Move forward in your life with health, joy, passion and abundance.
The Spirit Led Healing Institute is a safe and nurturing environment where you can step into the journey of HEALING OR developing your inner-healer.
I’m Mary Beth and I help people like you to improve their lives.
Mary Beth Vanderlinden is a highly sought after and engaging speaker who has appeared on broadcasts and stages across the globe. She is internationally known as a powerful Master Healer, Speaker, Healer Trainer, and Retreat Facilitator. She is an ordained minister and the founder of the Spirit Led Healing Institute™ where she assists others to step into the journey of developing their own intuitive, healing and business abilities.
She has been performing healings for decades and has led retreats, powerful transformational programs and has had tens of thousands of people from all over the world listen to her speak. She has written programs and training manuals that have helped people heal, connect to their intuitive abilities, and transform their businesses.
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